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MBHS Library

MBHS Library

It is the goal and the responsibility of the school library media center to provide information access for the school community, to promote literacy and the enjoyment of reading at all levels of development, and to provide leadership in the use of informational skills and instructional design.  The environment is conducive to self-discovery and inquiry with a focus on facilitating the learning process.  The activities and resources included in the library media program shall be in keeping with the mission and goals of the Mountain Brook City Schools.


Mission of the School Library Program
The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.  This mission is accomplished:

  1. By providing intellectual and physical access to materials and information in all formats.
  2. By providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas.
  3. By working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.


Library Hours
Monday through Friday, 7:10 AM to 3:30 PM

Library Resources and Information

Databases for Students and Teachers

Streaming Services for Teachers
The high school provides access to two streaming services for teachers to use in their classes. The district provides Swank Motion Pictures, which can be found on Classlink.